Tuesday 16 April 2024

Welcome Spring!

We have been so busy creating in grade one.  Enjoy this visual collection of our experiences.

Posters for World Down Syndrome Day

Landscape Creations Using Technology

Ted Harrison Landscapes - Beautiful!

Marble Runs

Aggie Days!

Language Arts – we have been continuing with our reading instruction using phonics.  Our most recent learning has been adding suffixes (s, es, ed, ing) to words to change the meaning.  We practice reading, spelling and completing dictated sentences to help us remember the patterns and rules when adding endings to words.

Math – we have started learning to tell time (analogue) using Polypad on the computers. We are also growing our understanding of addition and subtraction through math story problems. We represent the math story through a picture and number sentence (equation), and are beginning to give the answer in complete sentences.

We are stepping into 2-digit addition, where we will apply our basic fact skills as well as our understanding of place value to 100. Please continue to practice basic facts to 10 (and then to 20) at home in order to build foundational skills needed for continued success and confidence in applying math concepts.